Imagine how different your life would be if you had been taught the basics of what it means to be incarnating as a human being here on Earth:

What to expect in terms of dealing with ego, your inner critic, or the energy you’re running. Imagine if you were clear about past life events that could possibly be influencing you now, or karmic triggers that either supported or challenged you.

Just how different could this world be if we each were given a primer, or a map, helping us to understand how to be a soulful human being.

Would you make different choices, or be less afraid to do what you really wanted, especially if you knew you had a divine plan that supported you?

Or maybe you would allow yourself to actually experience all the true potential that you know you carry deep inside.

Would you be able to better serve and support your family, friends, and community with more compassion, understanding what they, too, brought with them into this world?

Unlocking Your Karmic Potential is a series of articles I’ve created to help you navigate your journey here on Earth with greater soul-awareness.

Think of it as a foundation on which to build a deeper understanding of the karmic lessons you are working through within this lifetime: the intuition you are born with, the roles your spirit guides play, and why also understanding things like energy, shadow work, and chakras can make a profound difference in your life – a life lived with clarity, power and unwavering purpose.

I’m sharing this with you now because there was a time in my own life when I fought the soul-awareness I had at a very young and tender age (you can read about my story here). I resisted tooth and nail for many years, because I just didn’t understand how to translate what seemed like a foreign language. I felt confused, alone, and angry trying to figure out how to navigate day-to-day life, let alone my spiritual nature or intuitive gifts! I remember wishing I had a map, or a manual to help me.

I didn’t know it then, but Spirit was listening. While the path I took to where I am now was crooked, and at times very dark, Spirit was always with me.

That was one of the hardest lessons I’ve ever had to learn, and it’s one of many that I very much want to help you learn and realize for yourself as you cultivate greater self and soul-awareness: you are never alone. You are always being guided, supported, and loved by Spirit.

Years later I found my way through, after taking many detours to hone my gifts, understand my nature, and battle more than a few family demons. With my natural born awareness of the Other Side, years of learning at the feet of my guides, my own experiences and working with clients through my service, Unshakable Soul, I feel it’s time to share some of what I’ve learned, in hopes of inspiring the deepest wisdom you carry within, to come forth and guide you.

For I am not the only one to tour the Universe across space and time, to experience many lifetimes with a multitude of stories and adventures, triumphs and sorrows to share and learn from.

You have been here before.

You have lived many lives; we all have so much karmic wisdom to remember and to share and help one another with.

I strongly believe that if you are reading this, it’s because it’s time for you to remember the truth and wholeness of Who You Are, and to help others do so as well. We are living in an era of intense distraction and veiling of the truth, creating massive confusion as to our true nature – and therefore, more than ever before, we need for each of us to fully realize our karmic influences and the empowerment it can provide.

More than any other generation, we need You to stand tall in the fullness of why you came here and your unique purpose. Because when each of us can do that – fully, whole-heartedly, without excuse or defense – we are able to create a world that serves the highest potential of each and every one of us, not just a limited few. The time is now.

We are collectively going through a gauntlet of intense change around the world, demanding that we dig deep within and call upon the very best we each have to offer – not just from the knowledge of this life, but also from the wisdom of many other lifetimes to help us co-create the world we want to live in for the next era.

A quick note to you, my dear and wise reader before you begin reading Unlocking Your Karmic Potential: I want to be very clear that nothing I’m sharing in this series is the One Way or ultimate ‘truth.’

There’s a saying in Ireland that ‘all roads lead home’ – indeed, this is just as true when it comes to the vast Mystery that is this Universe we exist within. While I am fully invested in the perspectives I’m sharing – obviously – I’m also very clear that I’m biased due to my own experiences and teaching from my guides, with all that I share, and happy to own up to that. All the perspectives and teachings shared here are offered up in hopes they inspire you, help and guide you, or maybe just cause you to broaden your perspective on the possibilities as to the nature of reality. Take what works, and release what does not ring true.


Unlocking your karmic potential means that you bring consciousness awareness to the dynamic truth of what makes you Who You Are – not only your ego or your physical body, but the energetic, karmic and divine aspects as well. The many lifetimes that have informed the creation of you, constantly growing and evolving right up to this very moment as you read this page.  

It’s about bringing as much as awareness as you can to the reason you’re here, and how to navigate this world with your unique purpose.

It’s about cultivating an unshakable soul in a very impermanent, constantly changing world.


Ready? Let’s get started. I’ll be releasing new chapters often (weekly or bi-weekly), with topics that cover karma, chakras, soul guides, root cause and cording, and more. 


First up, we need to define what, exactly, is karma… CLICK HERE to read Chapter One in the series.




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